"Omigosh, they're already on stage. This is magical," said the woman who entered behind me. True, on both counts. "Kaboom"-goers are greeted by the backs of Robb Goetzke, as an idiotic (fictional) U.S. president and Joey Hamburger as defense secretary. Sheep Theater's sure-footed homage to "Dr. Strangelove" — updated to include present-day, our-world-is-a-mess concerns — is smartly, explosively funny. The president has received a nuclear threat, he's ready to retaliate (his target will alarm Minnesota's neighbor to the south) and everyone in the room where it's happening is about as equipped to deal as the dolts on "Veep" are. Comic magic.
(7 p.m. Sun., 8:30 p.m. Mon., 7 p.m. Thu., 4 p.m. Aug. 11, Rarig Thrust, 330 21st Av. S., Mpls.)
Talk about breaking the fourth wall. As the actors recite the throwback plots of Broadway offerings such as "Kiss Me, Kate," they utter deadpan profanities expressing how their #MeToo-era audience might feel about these problematic relics. Using musical vignettes and sharp satire, creators Shanan Custer and Colleen Somerville call out the misogyny and sexism embedded in beloved titles such as "The Fantasticks!" (which condones rape) and "Carousel" (domestic abuse). But, like the shows they critique, the seven-person ensemble — which includes Somerville, Suzie Juul, Marcie Panian and Rue Norman — does so with sweet melodies.
(5:30 p.m. Sun., 8:30 p.m. Tue., 10 p.m. Aug. 10, 2:30 p.m. Aug. 11, Mixed Blood Theatre, 1501 S. 4th St., Mpls.)
Thursday was a beautiful evening for a walk in the West Bank, but Ariel Leaf's show offers anything but comfort. The audience is trying to find Annie, a 16-year-old runaway. As Leaf leads us around the neighborhood, we meet those who know Annie, from a hard-nosed social worker to a pair of high-as-a-kite teenagers. They fill in the story of why Annie prefers life on the streets to her home, while noting that the worst way to get to her is through a gaggle of well-meaning folks. That's where the discomfort arises, as Leaf asks whether we just want to be spectators in another person's difficult life.
(7 p.m. Sat.-Sun., Tue.-Wed. & Aug. 11-12, Hard Times Café, 1821 Riverside Av., Mpls.)