An affection — and a longing — for East Coast slice shops encouraged Ann Kim, the force behind Pizzeria Lola, to open Hello Pizza.
Her instincts proved right. Here's hoping that Hello Pizzas will proliferate across the Twin Cities. Why can't the shop's droll logo — a clever play on those awful "Hello, My Name Is" name tags — be as ubiquitous as Domino's or Papa John's? We would all be the better for it.
Rather than attempting to impersonate a Manhattan slice shop — a losing proposition — Kim borrows many of the genre's key elements and filters them through her own spot-on sensibilities. A practiced doughmeister, she has come up with a doozy for Hello Pizza: a thin, chewy, crisp-on-the-bottom beauty that bubbles up nicely on the edges and holds its shape; no greasy-sliced droop here.
She also takes pains to top her pizzas with both decent ingredients and admirable restraint, two traits that rarely reside in the slice-shop world. The tomato sauce, nicely lumpy, exudes a bright, clean taste. The house-made pork sausage has a feisty fennel zing, and the excellent natural-casing pepperoni curls up just as it should, the oven's heat burnishing its edges into a bacon-like crispiness.
The rich mozzarella boasts a fine melting character, olive oil is tantalizingly fruity and dried oregano is intensely flavorful. Olives are legions above the dreary canned variety that plagues so many in-and-out pizza joints, the anchovies sport a clean, delightfully salty bite, and the kitchen has a free hand with garlic and other seasonings.
There are a half-dozen by-the-slice options always at the ready — which can be fortified with a long list of add-on toppings — all landing in the $3.25 to $4.50 range, a tad higher than Kim's competitors, but true to that whole you-get-what-you-pay-for adage. Whole pies are available, too, and trust me: As leftovers go, this is a pizza you'll want to encounter in the refrigerator on a drowsy morning.
Non-pizza items include a pair of addictive meatball sandwiches, including a marvelous banh mi-esque version with tender orbs of ginger- and soy-accented pork and beef. One Pizzeria Lola carryover is the divine house-made soft-serve ice cream; get it drizzled with a buttery caramel sauce and flecks of sea salt.
The cheery, stylish setting is a (highly) idealized New York City subway station, the all-smiles counter staff works fast, and aside from a lousy fountain-style iced tea, the soft drink and beer and wine lists show imagination and effort. Now, if only a Hello Pizza would land in my neighborhood.