Major changes in how 3M Co. treats employees, rather than cash payouts to older workers, may be the greatest consequence of the company's settlement of three age-discrimination cases this year.
The settlements will cost the Maplewood-based company at least $15 million and end seven years of litigation. But a more lasting effect of the cases will be a series of organizational changes and enhanced scrutiny by a federal agency to ensure that older workers are treated fairly, attorneys say.
3M has maintained that it never discriminated against several thousand current and former workers affected by the suits. The company says it is settling -- none of the deals are final yet -- to avoid the cost and distraction of litigation. None of the settlements constitute an admission of guilt.
The latest settlement, announced this month with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), spells out 17 practices 3M must follow in evaluating, promoting and terminating employees. 3M also must report on its compliance, which the federal agency will monitor for three years.
"The money is only a one-time thing," said Marshall Tanick, a Twin Cities employment attorney who was not involved in the case. "The things companies are ordered to change and the EEOC oversight, those things have a more lasting impact on an organization."
The changes range from a prohibition on "forced ranking" of employees in ways that allegedly discriminated against older workers to a requirement that the company accept competitive applications for coveted "black belt" training under the Six Sigma quality improvement program.
The impact of these changes is magnified because of the company's size -- 3M has a U.S. workforce of about 33,000, with about 10,000 in Minnesota.
3M spokeswoman Donna Fleming Runyon said "modest changes" will be needed in how the company communicates and trains employees to comply with the settlement terms -- an assertion disputed by an EEOC lawyer.