Coffee shops aren't just about coffee. And let's face it — they haven't been for a long time. They're places to hold a business meeting, write a short story, socialize.
But now that we're deep into the so-called "third wave" of coffee, when artisanal beverages are the norm, local cafes are upping the ante.
In the past year, a fresh crop of coffee spots has opened in the Twin Cities, bringing new life to our Starbucks and Caribou-studded streets and skyways.
Sure, the quality of the liquid caffeine is of the utmost importance at many of the hottest new cafes. But the look and feel of a place, not to mention a full-fledged food (and sometimes even cocktail) program, is proving to be as big a draw as the sourcing of the beans and the strength of the buzz.
Here are seven Twin Cities coffee shops (and one bonus) that are as eye-catching as they are caffeinated.
Fairgrounds Craft Coffee & Tea
Since it opened last summer, Fairgrounds Craft Coffee & Tea has given new meaning to the word "barista."
The space: twinkling signs, relics from carnivals, old photos from Minnesota State Fairs and rope-swing seats bring a touch of whimsy to the high-ceilinged space.