Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom Emmer's campaign made calls to the state campaign finance board about a possible error by his House campaign, according to an Emmer spokesman. The possible problem, whether or not it is a violation, connects Emmer to a controversial non-profit.
At issue, a November 2008 $250 contribution Emmer's House campaign made to You Can Run International, a non-profit ministry. State law allows active campaigns to donate no more than $100 to non-profit organizations, Van Guilder said.
"The campaign found the error this morning," Emmer press secretary Chris Van Guilder said via email Tuesday evening. "We noticed that Tom's House campaign made a donation to a non-profit that exceeded the limit and we are working with the [campaign finance board] to fix the error."
Van Guilder later said that the $250 may not be a violation after all.
"It was not a donation," he said. The money was to pay for a dinner event, which may mean it is not a violation of the limit, he said. "Now we have to go back to the board ... The assumption is that is not a violation."
He said the campaign is trying to self-report to make things square. (Emmer's campaign committees have twice fixed other campaign finance errors this month and filed amendments.)
But the connection between Emmer and You Can Run has long been an attention-getter, particularly at the liberal-leaning Minnesota Independent.
On Tuesday morning the Web site wrote that Emmer had accepted an invitation to visit with Bradlee Dean, the non-profit's founder.