Sidewalk serenade brightens a couple's anniversary
A reason to smile: How Minnesotans are keeping their spirits up through the coronavirus crisis
Bonnie and Donald Reeder were hoping to celebrate their 41st wedding anniversary on March 17. But the St. Paul couple, both near 70, didn't want to risk dining out.
Instead, Bonnie asked her neighbors on the Hamline-Midway neighborhood Facebook page to send them happy anniversary wishes. The neighborhood responded with 175 digital greetings, chalk art and a sidewalk serenade.
Cara and Paul Wilson and their three kids sang Van Morrison's "Brown Eyed Girl" from the sidewalk as the Reeders watched from their porch.
Cara Wilson, a music teacher, chose what she called a "happy song about a good time" and posted a video of the impromptu concert "because I feel in these times, it's important to see some bright spots."
Richard Chin
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