A local veterans advocacy group celebrated a big victory over the weekend: The recent announcement by the Department of Veterans Affairs that it will encourage the use of a therapy called EMDR for veterans suffering from trauma.
The Veteran Resilience Project, the brainchild of Minnesota EMDR therapist of Elaine Wynne, has been at the forefront of pushing for recognition of the therapy.
EMDR (it stands for "Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing") is a therapy designed to help the brain unlock traumatic memories and reprocess them into more positive thoughts. During a session, the client is asked to focus on a memory while stimulation is used such as eye movements, tapping or sounds. After each association is processed, the "bilateral" stimulation continues until the original issue is no longer disturbing.
While the VA has acknowledged the treatment is effective, it was not one of the department's top choices for addressing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The VA had no objection to the therapy, but it seldom would refer patients for treatment because the VA had the resources — and covered the expenses — for other therapies.
Advocates said the VA's lackluster response to EMDR discouraged funders and has cost them clients and resources.
Wynne tried for six years to start an EMDR project focusing on veterans, but found the VA and the Defense Department resistant because of concerns that the treatment was not evidence-based. Undaunted, she won a grant from a national EMDR program and set off on her own in 2013 to conduct a 20-month pilot project.
Using 25 therapists to serve 30 veterans, she documented that 74 percent of the respondents after treatment no longer showed signs of PTSD and that 100 percent had significantly reduced symptoms.
In 2015, Wynne took $10,000 she had left from the project and put it toward the newly formed nonprofit, with most of the money going to reimburse therapists for their work. Paul Riedner, an Iraq veteran with a penchant for social media and marketing, was brought in as executive director.