Bowing to pressure from conservative students and lawmakers, the University of Minnesota has backed out of a grant-funded fellowship to expand the practice and training of reproductive health and abortion services.
The fellowship, approved by one faculty member last fall, became political dynamite this spring after triggering outrage among abortion opponents and some lawmakers just as the Legislature was considering a budget request from the U and a vacancy on the Board of Regents.
Now university leaders are being criticized on all sides — from abortion advocates, for "caving" to pressure; from abortion opponents, for leaving the door open to the fellowship next year; and from at least one legislator who faulted their handling of abortion politics.
"They'd better realize nothing is done in isolation," said state Rep. Gene Pelowski, DFL-Winona, the former chair of the House Higher Education Committee. "When you make a decision like this, the Legislature quite often reacts." Lawmakers last week did not advance the university's request for $10 million in supplemental funds to freeze tuition rates, though no one publicly linked that decision to the fellowship.
Abortion advocates and opponents agree that the U's decision will weaken the future training and provision of abortion services in Minnesota — though they disagreed on whether that's desirable.
"The university is caving to the whims of anti-choice groups," the University Pro-Choice Coalition said in statement. The campus chapter of Students for Life of America called it a "great victory."
The episode started quietly last fall, when a faculty member agreed to a fellowship grant from the Reproductive Health Access Project, a New York advocacy group that is trying to give family doctors expertise in reproductive health services, including abortion. U officials declined to identify the faculty member.
Trouble emerged in the spring, when abortion opponents noticed the fellowship job posting online and voiced concerns in Campus Reform, a conservative higher education news website.