The street-corner conundrum: To give or not to give?
We all know these people. Many of us see them everyday. They have no particular race, gender or age, but we know them when we see them, usually because of the cardboard signs they hold in their hands.
The messages on the signs vary. Sometimes simple. Sometimes situational. Sometimes honest. Sometimes philosophical. Sometimes just strange. But most of these messages say the same thing: I need money.
And I'm torn about whether to give it to them.
I used to never give these people money. I told myself that if I really wanted to help those in need, and if I really wanted to ensure that my money was going toward the causes I intended, I could make a tally every time I felt moved to give and instead donate that money to a legitimate charity or nonprofit later.
I still think this idea holds water, but in my experience it had a few flaws. The first was that it was intellectual. It made sense in my head, but didn't ease the sympathetic urges I felt every time I was confronted with a real person on a real street corner.
Also, I never did it. I never kept a tally, never donated a penny to address the plight of the people who so frequently tugged at my heartstrings during my daily commutes.
So I opened up the billfold. I don't want to make myself sound like Fat Joe at a nightclub, but I was dishing out at least a few dollars a week: a buck to the gal off the 11th Avenue exit, a buck to the revolving door of faces above the Lowry Tunnel. And it felt good. But while self-fulfilling, this "humanitarian" act also came with its own set of ethical considerations to challenge the notion that my actions were unambiguously good.