Angelina Jolie's latest movie has received mixed reviews, and it failed to top the box office its first week. At least they covered her salary:

Lots of that going around. Dudding, I mean. Anyway, the movie's eventual failure or success has no impact on the press' desire to fire off 30 photographs-per-second every time she descends into the realm of mortal man. Here she is attempting to get four kids through an airport while strangers are taking pictures. Would you smile? If you'd been paid $20 mil for all this, yes. Yes you would.

How does she do it? How does she make it through the airport without being thronged, or yelling at the photographers to GET OUT OF MY FACE, I HAVE A PLANE TO CATCH? The answer is in the picture above. Close-ups show that the public is kept well out of reach so royalty mass pass unimpeded.

This won't affect the way the kids look at the world, will it? Nah. More shots with gushing commentary, here.