Minnesota's waiting list for this form of aid, relative to its population, is now among the largest in the nation.
And yet tens of millions of dollars intended for these families is going unspent in Minnesota every year, records show.
Carrie Peterson-Edberg, whose 12-year-old son Garrett has severe autism, recalls shouting with joy when a county social worker called to say he qualified for aid to cover behavioral therapy and personal caregiving at home.
That was seven years ago. They are still waiting.
Jeff and Ellen Pearson moved to Minnesota from Indiana in the hope of obtaining a better life for their daughter, Abby, who has been cognitively impaired since birth. Abby was immediately placed on the waiting list.
That was 14 years ago. They are still waiting.
Families say the long waits needlessly isolate people with disabilities from mainstream work and more fulfilling lives. Adults who could be living in their own apartments or working in middle-class jobs are instead stuck in their parents' basements, awaiting approval they may never get.
The chronic delays do not occur because Minnesota is a stingy state. It consistently ranks among the top states nationally on a key measure of disability spending. For those who do receive the coveted assistance, known as a Medicaid "waiver," Minnesota's package of benefits is the most generous in the nation. And, state officials point out, most families on the waiting list still receive other subsidized services, such as personal care aides and county case managers.