When Misba Rehman and his family moved to Rosemount, they knew their brand-new house came with a neighborhood full of quiet, winding streets. They didn't know the street was private, and that they, not the city, would be responsible for its upkeep.
"It's going to be a huge cost to rebuild in the future, 20 years down the road," Rehman said. "It doesn't make sense to have homeowners pick up that kind of cost."
For residents, private streets offer seclusion and a lower upfront price tag. For developers, they're an opportunity to build without municipal costs and design constraints. But homeowners in Rosemount and elsewhere, faced with road maintenance costs that will only rise as streets age, are asking local officials to make their streets public.
That transition, however, may not be easy. Private streets often skirt city codes — using thinner asphalt, for example, or providing less right of way — so integrating them into a public network can be tricky, said John Bradford, Woodbury's city engineer.
"It really poses a maintenance burden on the rest of the taxpayers in the community to take those over," he said.
Private streets and the homeowners associations that control them started popping up nationwide in the 1970s — a symptom of home buyers wanting greater control over their communities, said Robert Nelson, a University of Maryland professor who studies homeowners associations and the privatization of neighborhoods. He said cities have agreed to developer proposals for private infrastructure, lured by the prospect of a tax base increase without the burden of new streets to maintain.
The private model works as long as homeowners associations have the spending power and wherewithal to keep up with maintenance. But for those that haven't planned well or simply can't afford it, future fixes loom large.
"It's not surprising that some of them might have said, 'Well, we might have made this deal originally, but we'd rather have the government take care of these things,' " Nelson said.