The Edina mayor and City Council members Tuesday night told an overflow crowd of about 150 that they were sorry about last week's incident between a white Edina police officer and a black man. The apologies followed more than three hours of pointed comments and demands at Tuesday night's regular council meeting.
A bystander video that later went viral on social media caught last Wednesday's daytime encounter between plainclothes Edina police Lt. Tim Olson and Larnie Thomas, 34, of Minneapolis. Olson grabbed Thomas by the back of his jacket and reprimanded him for walking in the street near a construction zone in the 5900 block of Xerxes Avenue S. Agitated, Thomas objected to his treatment, sometimes swearing at Olson.
Thomas ultimately received a citation but was not arrested.
The Minneapolis NAACP issued a list of demands following the incident, including an independent investigation, which Mayor Jim Hovland agreed to. But on Tuesday, Hovland said "we learned this afternoon that the state Bureau of Criminal Apprehension did not want to conduct an investigation."
The city on Monday said it believed that "the officers followed established protocol," but that it was nonetheless dismissing the citation against Thomas.
Hovland spoke briefly at the outset of Tuesday's meeting. "We are here tonight to listen," he said. "We know the situation has been very difficult. We know that there are multiple voices and multiple truths, and they're all right."
Hovland repeated his belief that police protocol was followed in the incident, but characterized the video as "disconcerting."
Officer lambasted
One speaker said Olson "treated Thomas like an animal" last Wednesday. Others described Olson's actions as "appalling," "disgusting," "indefensible" and "racist."