All the sales growth and deal making in the food business these days seems to be in products that are health-oriented, organic or natural.
And then, there's Totino's.
When General Mills earlier this year told investors it had sorted out its huge portfolio of products between steady performers and fast growers, it put its Totino's frozen pizza and snack roll brand in the second group.
It looked out of place next to some good-for-your-health brands like Annie's. But General Mills, rather than glossing over Totino's image, is recasting the narrative and aiming it at 20- and 30-something consumers who don't like being pandered to through traditional advertising.
To reach these skeptical young buyers, the marketing team has pushed many boundaries at General Mills, a 150-year-old company fiercely protective of its products' reputations.
"There have been times in the building where I have had to pitch ideas where I thought, 'I am totally going to get fired today,' " said Brad Hiranaga, director of marketing at Totino's.
That discomfort is due to Totino's new image as an irreverent and at times absurd brand that is cozying up to young people through the digital channels they use.
Totino's pizza rolls are the bestselling frozen snack and appetizer in U.S. retail stores, controlling more than 26 percent of the segment. General Mills sold more than $530 million of pizza rolls in the previous year ending Oct. 2, according to IRI, a Chicago-based research firm. Meanwhile, Totino's frozen pizzas were the third-most popular frozen pizza during the same period — trailing Nestlé SA's DiGiorno and Schwan Food Co.'s Red Baron — with $360.8 million in sales.