For now, the ground-level space in an apartment building in Minneapolis' Cedar-Riverside neighborhood is just a big, empty room with cement floors and bare walls.
But in the not-so-distant future, says City Council Member Abdi Warsame, it will be a hub for the young people of this primarily East African neighborhood, a place to hang out, sign up for classes and even interview for a job. Give it enough time, Warsame believes, and this space will do enough to cut the neighborhood's unemployment rate — which stands at about 17 percent — in half.
Backers of the Cedar Riverside Opportunity Center already have secured $100,000 in funding from the city and another $290,000 from Hennepin County. Now, they are reaching out to anyone who will listen — from legislators to philanthropic foundations to church groups — to raise about $1 million more and open the center. They envision a facility that will be a one-stop shop for colleges, organizations and companies looking to recruit new students and workers.
"The main aim is to give hope to the community," Warsame said. "It's something that is aimed towards them, designed specifically for them, and that's never happened."
While Hennepin County would oversee the development of the center and provide staff members, it would be operated with the help of several organizations. EMERGE, a community development group that has an office at the nearby Brian Coyle Community Center, would move in. So would Hennepin County's Cedar-Riverside library services. Groups or companies wanting to hold job interviews or training could reserve space.
Hub for jobs
Hennepin County Commissioner Peter McLaughlin said the county has been working to recruit new staff members for jobs in areas from finance to health care to building operations. He said other large employers, including hospitals and the University of Minnesota, often have similar staffing needs, but people in communities like Cedar-Riverside often aren't aware of the opportunities or familiar with how they could apply.
"We're trying to create these pipelines into jobs that are good jobs with good pay and good benefits," he said.
Both McLaughlin and Warsame said it's clear there are plenty of young people in Cedar-Riverside eager and willing to do all kinds of jobs.