The game was on television. I recall that the picture on the small Philco black-and-white screen was very snowy, so perhaps we were trying to pull in the unreliable Ch. 9 signal from Sioux City, Iowa, rather than our one real station, Ch. 11 in Sioux Falls, S.D., but either way, it was a rarity:
A college basketball game important enough to earn a locally produced telecast.
Feb. 28, 1955, a Monday night, and the Gophers were hosting the Iowa Hawkeyes in Williams Arena. The teams were tied for first in the Big Ten at 10-2, and Minnesota already had an 81-80 victory at Iowa City in early January.
The crowd that night was 20,176, at the time the largest ever for a college arena in U.S. basketball. And through that snow, the Gophers' Chuck Mencel scored 27 points, and yet Iowa remained stout, surviving 72-70 to clinch a tie for the Big Ten title.
"They are a fine team," Gophers coach Ozzie Cowles said. "I think they have just a little more than we do, up and down the line."
I might have read that in the next afternoon's Star, with our home delivery of the Minneapolis newspapers 175 miles away in Fulda, in Minnesota's far southwest corner. Or, I might have avoided Dick Gordon's report, sad as I was as a 9-year-old kid over the Gophers' failure to defeat Iowa, even with the great duo of Mencel and Dick Garmaker.
The Star's coverage that afternoon also included a United Press report that the celebration of victory on the University of Iowa campus included police being required to "thwart" an attempted panty raid by an estimated 1,000 male students converging on the main women's dorm.
Different times, indeed.