The Geekmobile is going back to the future.
For its 22-year history, the Geek Squad has tapped a retro-chic image, most notably with the Volkswagen Beetle as the iconic mode of transportation for thousands of its "agents" for more than a decade. Now Best Buy's consumer tech support arm is taking a more forward-looking approach.
On Monday morning, the company will host a town-hall meeting at its Richfield headquarters where executives will unveil what had been a closely guarded secret. The brand is getting new wheels: the Toyota Prius.
"It is equal part tech savvy and equal part environmentally friendly," Nate Bauer, the Geek Squad's "chief inspector", told the Star Tribune. "What we stand for has evolved."
The change is part of a larger effort to further highlight the Geek Squad, with 20,000 "agents," as a key asset of Best Buy's business.
Beyond saving money on gasoline by switching the 1,100-vehicle fleet to hatchback Prius C's, the new vehicle is reflective of Best Buy's commitment announced last year to reduce its carbon emissions by 45 percent by 2020, officials said.
With the change, Best Buy also wants to signal that the Geek Squad now does a lot more than computer repair. It installs home theater systems and helps customers set up connected home devices such as smart thermostats and smart locks. In total, Geek Squad agents make more than 5 million house calls a year, traveling an estimated 12.6 million miles to get to customers' homes.
On Monday morning, company executives also will announce the launch of a new marketing campaign called "We Make It Work" that highlights the more expansive services of the Geek Squad.