WASHINGTON — Proposed changes in federal eligibility rules for the nation's food stamp program may disqualify more than 12,000 Minnesotans from receiving the food purchasing assistance.
The new proposal from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) targets liberalized food stamp eligibility programs such as the one in Minnesota. The proposal has raised the ire of state officials, private food philanthropies and food stamp recipients who believe it will keep food from the hungry, especially seniors and children.
Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue said he was merely closing a "loophole" to prevent abuse of a "critical safety net system."
His announcement of the new rules is the latest volley in a battle over the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, that erupted in negotiations for the country's latest five-year farm bill. In the legislative debate, Republicans tried to place work restrictions on certain food stamp recipients but eventually failed.
The USDA proposal was inspired by a Minnesota man with more than $1 million in real estate and other fixed assets. He gamed the state's food stamp system in 2018 to prove how easy it was to abuse, then donated his food stamps to charity.
In Minnesota, some people making less than 165% of the federal poverty standard (less than $1,670 per month for an individual, less than $3,452 for a family of four) may qualify for SNAP without having the value of their other assets tested simply by downloading a brochure from a state website and submitting it with their applications.
The new federal rule sets up multiple administrative roadblocks to such expanded eligibility efforts. USDA predicts that nationwide about 3.1 million people — roughly 9% of recipients — would no longer qualify for food stamps under the new rules.
Households making more than the federal food stamp income limit — 130% of the federal poverty standard — would be disqualified. So would people who don't meet federal non-income asset tests — $2,250 for households without an elderly or disabled member and $3,500 for households with an elderly or disabled member.