Twin Cities faith leaders on Monday urged leniency for 11 protesters charged with crimes arising from a demonstration at the Mall of America, but the Bloomington city attorney said she won't — and can't — back down.
"Prosecutors are sworn to uphold the Constitution and the law. We have to do that even-handedly," said Sandra Johnson, the city's top prosecutor since 2009. "These are nice people; they're well-intentioned. But what they're asking is something I can't do. It isn't ethical. It violates my oath."
On Monday, Johnson received an open letter signed by more than 100 ministers. It asked her to direct her energy toward fighting racial disparity, rather than prosecuting leaders of a peaceful protest.
"The energy you have put into this aggressive prosecution needs to be redirected to a communitywide effort toward open dialogue between our justice system and those who do not receive equal and fair treatment and protection from our current system," said the letter, signed by ministers, theologians and faith leaders from Bloomington and throughout the metro area. "We are called as people of faith to walk in solidarity with those who are experiencing discrimination and prejudice."
Despite warnings from city officials, a crowd of peaceful demonstrators jammed the mall rotunda on Dec. 20, the Saturday before Christmas — one of the busiest shopping days of the year. Bloomington police, along with Hennepin County sheriff's officers and Minnesota State Patrol officers, cleared most of the crowd — estimated at 2,000 to 3,000 people — from the rotunda.
The protest was one of many throughout the nation spurred by a series of high-profile deaths of black men at the hands of police officers in Ferguson, Mo., and elsewhere. The Minnesota Supreme Court has held that the mall is a private venue that has the right to ban unapproved gatherings on its property.
Johnson said the protesters are knocking on the wrong door.
"You're taking so much energy and focusing it on the wrong person," she said. "They need to talk to legislators, talk to senators, talk to the governor. I'm going to keep my head down and do my job. But there are people who should listen to their concerns."