Every New Year's Day, I vow to keep a record of every book I read over the next 12 months. I have a special notebook for this, a large journal with blue leather covers, and that is all I've ever used it for.
Bookmark: Do you keep a journal of the books you read?

I've had the journal for 15 years, and you might be surprised to learn that most of the pages are blank.
In January I dutifully start a list, but my resolve disintegrates almost immediately, and the list tapers off, sometimes by late January, always by March.
Some years I don't even start it.
I am not entirely sure why this is. Except for 2006 and 2007, the years I joined my nephew's Competitive Reading Club, I have never been able to sustain a yearly record. You need to understand that my family can turn anything into a competition — cracker smooshing (too hard to explain), fudge making, NFL game picking — so why not reading?
The rules of the Competitive Reading Club were simple. Read a book. Write down the title and the author. Give it a star rating and a review of no more than five words. (Good training for this job.) My review of Frank Delaney's 2007 novel "Tipperary," for instance, was this: "Forrest Gump in Ireland." One word to spare.
According to the club rules, the value of a book was weighted by length, so a book of up to 499 pages was worth one point, between 500 and 750 pages was worth two, and up to 1,000 was worth three. More than a thousand pages? What, are we crazy?
I won easily in 2006, with 78 points, and earned a $70 gift card. The next year, though, my total dropped to 74, and I came in second. And then I got this job, and while my numbers almost certainly rose — maybe even doubled — I quit the club and my record-keeping fell apart.
Some time ago, I read somewhere that a person can calculate fairly accurately how many books they will read before they die. There's a formula, as I recall, that involves taking your age and the number of books you've read, or maybe it's the average number of books you read in a year, and then multiplying and dividing and something about actuarial tables and I can't remember because I don't want to know.
Maybe I don't keep track of how many books I read in a year because I don't want to know how few I have left to read.
The fact that there is a finite number of books I will read is infinitely depressing. I mean, of course there is a finite number, because my life is finite, but that is another depressing fact. The fact that there is a finite number of chocolate chip cookies I will consume is also depressing.
The idea that I might learn that number — and thus with each book read, know that I am counting ever closer to zero — is even more depressing.
When I walk into a library, or a bookstore, or even my little locked book room on the 11th floor of the Strib, I see thousands of books that I want to read. When I go through the day's mail — anywhere from 20 to 100 books — I often want to read them all.
Choosing books to read should not make me feel like I am inching closer to doom. It should make me feel like I am expanding, growing, opening up.
And so I do not keep track. I do not count. I just read.
What about you? Do you keep life lists of books? A book journal? Do you write mini-reviews of what you read?
Why? Why not? Write to me at books@startribune.com.
Laurie Hertzel is the Star Tribune's senior editor for books. On Twitter: @StribBooks. On Facebook: facebook.com/startribunebooks