Ian Anthony Dale moved to Los Angeles 14 years ago aiming to make a living as an actor.
It's working out well for the St. Paul native, who headed straight for L.A. after graduating from college in Wisconsin.
He just bought a house.
"I've been recurring on [CBS'] 'Hawaii Five-0' for the last three seasons now," said Dale, who is headed back to Hawaii to shoot soon. "I've got a new gig recurring on [The CW's] 'Heart of Dixie.' "
Dale was in the metro to visit family over the 4th and make the local media rounds promoting "Murder in the First," a new 10-part TNT drama. "Takes place in San Francisco, stars the beautiful Taye Diggs & the beautiful Kathleen Robertson. They play homicide detectives who are investigating two seemingly separate homicides, but the mystery deepens when they realize both homicides have a common denominator, a Silicon Valley tech genius Erich Blunt, played by the beautiful Thomas Felton. I play the young ambitious lieutenant of the police department, their boss Jim Koto, [who] is described as someone who wakes up in the morning and says, 'I'm going to be the mayor of San Francisco one day.' As the season unfolds we get to see how his ambitions can cloud his judgment and get in the way of his relationships."
Sounds like Koto may waffle between good and bad guy. Dale has tried to have both kind of roles on his résumé, a conflict that cost him the first time his talents were sought by that J.J. Abrams.
They remain on good terms. Dale is too levelheaded to call himself beautiful, but as you will no doubt notice, on my startribune.com/video, he is quite so. The video also includes an egregious rendition of the "Five-0" theme song, fully explained after the credit.
Q: You've been in L.A. a long time?