Meet the world's first cowboy robot. It does not look like something from Hollywood or Silicon Valley.
Cargill Inc., one of the nation's largest producers of beef, has developed a robotic cattle driver used to herd the large mammals from the pen to processing plant.
The Minnetonka-based agribusiness unveiled the machine at the North American Meat Institute's conference on animal handling earlier this month in Kansas City, Mo.
The robot's purpose is twofold: to reduce the stress levels that cattle experience when being corralled, and to protect the workers who otherwise are in proximity to the 1,500-pound creatures.
"If a bull wants to hurt the robot, hurt the robot," said Brad Churchill, Cargill's plant operations manager at its High River, Alberta, facility. "I can repair the robot. I can't repair my employees."
With long, Gumby-like arms waving plastic bags, the three-wheeled robot mimics the effective movements of human cattle drivers while minimizing the more erratic motions people make that can startle them. A human's voice recording is broadcast from speakers embedded in the robot, prodding the cattle with familiar phrases like "Come on, let's move it" or "Hey, hey."
The company consulted famed animal behaviorist Temple Grandin during development. After visiting a beef plant and even operating the robot from an elevated catwalk using its remote-control joystick, Grandin gave the technology her approval, calling it "a major innovation in the handling and welfare of farm animals."
"This device will lead to huge strides in employee safety while moving large animals and reduce the stress on cattle across the country," Grandin said in a statement.