The post-Garrison Keillor "A Prairie Home Companion" commenced Saturday evening with new host Chris Thile dancing to the music of longtime pianist Rich Dworsky.
For the next two hours, Thile kept dancing. His feet bounced to the music of Lake Street Dive's hip jazz-soul. His tongue boogied triple time delivering Bob Dylan's "Subterranean Homesick Blues." His mind improvised steps while interviewing quick-witted guest Jack White, the indie-rock god.
Thile, a native Californian who isn't moving to the Twin Cities, waltzed around with all things Minnesotan such as the Vikings, Lynx, Prince, Dylan, the St. Paul Hotel and the sad, sad Twins. In perhaps a nod to "Prairie Homes" of the past, he talked about fall and what it meant with apple cider, leaves and what hijacks autumn every fourth year — the U.S. presidential election.
Like his predecessor was wont to do, Thile took a jab at both major-party candidates, admitting that he, too, had used an unsecured e-mail account once and he, too, had not paid income taxes for 18 consecutive years — "after that I graduated high school."
Thile, 35, knew his place and predicament. Early on Saturday, the Grammy-winning singer/mandolinist, who'd been a guest host a few times last season, acknowledged that he could never take the place of Keillor, who invented "A Prairie Home Companion" in 1974 and built it into a public-radio institution. But Keillor was mentioned only once by Thile. And the words Lake Wobegon, the fictional home of "Prairie Home," were never uttered.
There was no News from Lake Wobegon monologue, Keillor's signature. There was, however, a commercial for Powdermilk Biscuits, another figment of Keillor's imagination, and holdover actor Tim Russell and sound-effects man Fred Newman participated in a few skits. But the house band, the First-Call Radio Players, had all new musicians except for music director Dworsky.
Thile wants to put his stamp on the show — more music, less talk. He wants to enter the modern world with Twitter, millennial musicians and stand-up comics. He promises to write and perform a new topical song every week (this one was about fall and the election). He'll do a weekly shout-out to music figures who had birthdays such as Thelonious Monk, Verdi, Pavarotti, John Prine and Paul Simon, whom he honored by singing "Loves Me Like a Rock" (dedicated to his mom, who was in the audience.)
Next week Thile plans to add an audience-request tune that he and the band will instantly perform. That's radio without a script or a seven-second delay button.