Clinton, O'Malley, Sanders, Chafee to address DNC summer meeting

Top Democratic presidential candidates vying for their part's nomination on Friday will give speeches at the Democratic National Committee's summer meeting in Minneapolis.

August 28, 2015 at 2:58PM

Democratic presidential candidates on Friday will address the summer meeting of the Democratic National Convention.

The speeches will begin around 11 a.m. and conclude by 3 p.m. All top five candidates are slated to address attendees.

In order of appearances, they include former Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee, Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley and U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, D-Vt.

For a preview of the summer meeting, here's a Star Tribune story by Allison Sherry on Clinton's challenge of winning over Minnesota progressives. Glen Stubbe with a photo gallery of the meeting.

In Minnesota, Clinton has the support of many prominent Democrats, including Sen. Al Franken, Sen. Amy Klobuchar and Gov. Mark Dayton.

Minnesota DFL Party Chair Ken Martin, who is among Clinton's supporters and fundraisers, told Sherry: "The race is really up for grabs in this state. I would say right now the race is between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders."

Clinton does not have any public events while in Minnesota save for a private fundraiser in Wayzata. Sanders said he plans to hand out ice cream to delegates who are hoping to attend the national nomination convention. O'Malley meanwhile plans a State Fair visit in the afternoon.

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Ricardo Lopez


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