Two breweries aren't always better than one. But brewers in Minnesota and across the world regularly put their creative heads together to produce new flavors.
On a sweltering July day, Schell's brewer Jace Marti joined the Sociable Cider Werks team at its northeast Minneapolis brewery. The two breweries were pooling their combined 155 years of experience (Sociable accounting for eight months) to brew a specialty graff, or malt-forward cider, for Red Stag Supperclub's eighth annual block party this weekend.
"Having Jace there was like a whole other set of ideas, expertise and perspective that made for — this is going to sound really dramatic and I don't mean it to be — but a pretty inspiring, creative conversation about how we can develop something new and interesting," said Jim Watkins, co-owner of Sociable.
Co-sponsored by the Growler magazine, Sunday's "In Cahoots" event at Red Stag paired eight breweries into four teams to create one-off collaboration beers for the party. The best brew, as chosen by a fan vote, nets a donation to the team's charity of choice.
"Collaboration, it really embraces the spirit of craft brewing," said Summit founder Mark Stutrud.
For In Cahoots, Stutrud and Summit brewer Mike Lundell joined forces with fellow St. Paul outfit Bang Brewing to revive a sparkling ale that Summit discontinued in 1994 (no relation to Summit's new knockout Southern Cape Sparkling Ale). Mining Summit's vault and naming the beer "Mark" after Stutrud was Bang's idea — a nod to the microbrew pioneer, but made in accordance with Bang's all-organic ethos.
Despite being St. Paul "soul mates," as Stutrud put it, the two are on opposite ends of the brewery spectrum. After 28 years, Summit is a 130,000-barrel-per-year Minnesota titan, which will have 90 employees by year's end. Meanwhile, Bang, in the South St. Anthony Park neighborhood, is one of the state's youngest and smallest breweries — an 11-month-old nanobrewery run by spouses Sandy and Jay Boss Febbo in a silo near Summit's original home.
"Red Stag sent us an e-mail asking if our staff wanted to pour beer [at the event]. Sandy sent back an e-mail saying, 'Staff?' " Jay quipped.