Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of... Favorable Unfavorable Neutral Don't recognize Hillary Clinton 40% 46% 14% 0% Donald Trump 30 54 16 0 Gary Johnson 14 11 48 27 Jill Stein 5 9 44 42 If the 2016 general election for president and vice president were held today, which one of the following tickets would get your vote? Clinton/Kaine Trump/Pence Johnson/Weld Stein/Baraka Not sure Total 44% 38% 6% 2% 10% Men 36 47 9 1 7 Women 52 30 3 3 12 Democrats 86 3 0 2 9 Republicans 5 77 7 0 11 Independents/Other 32 43 11 3 11 18-34 51 24 10 2 13 35-49 41 39 7 2 11 50-64 41 45 4 2 8 65+ 48 38 4 1 9 Under $50,000 47 33 5 4 11 $50,000 and over 42 41 7 1 9 Hennepin/Ramsey counties 58 28 5 4 5 Rest of Twin Cities suburbs 37 41 12 0 10 Rest of state 38 44 2 2 14 2012 Obama voters 79 5 1 3 12 2012 Romney voters 7 75 8 1 9 Other/Did not vote in 2012 27 44 25 0 4 Would you say that you are certain you will vote for that ticket, or might you still change your mind? Certain Might change Clinton voters 88% 12% Trump voters 89 11 Johnson voters 67 33 Stein voters 66 24 Who do you think is more honest and trustworthy - Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump or one of the other candidates? Clinton Trump One of the others Not sure Total 42% 36% 16% 6% Men 37 43 17 3 Women 47 30 14 9 Democrats 81 3 12 4 Republicans 4 73 14 9 Independents/Other 28 37 23 12 18-34 45 24 27 4 35-49 38 39 16 7 50-64 40 43 11 6 65+ 47 35 11 7 Under $50,000 52 25 15 8 $50,000 and over 35 43 17 5 Hennepin/Ramsey counties 60 21 16 3 Rest of Twin Cities suburbs 32 45 20 3 Rest of state 34 42 13 11 Clinton voters 84 0 13 3 Trump voters 0 88 7 5 Johnson/Stein/Undecided voters 28 14 42 16 Source: Star Tribune Minnesota Poll, Sept. 12-14, 2016; 625 Minnesota likely voters; +/-4.0 margin of error. DEMOGRAPHICS # of respondents In terms of your political party identification, do you generally consider yourself DFL or Democrat, Republican or an independent? DFL/Democrat 230 37% Republican 184 29% Independent/Other 211 34% In the last presidential election, did you vote for Democrat Barack Obama or Republican Mitt Romney? Obama 305 49% Romney 265 42% Did Not Vote 55 9% AGE: 18-34 87 15% 35-49 208 33% 50-64 203 32% 65+ 125 20% Refused 2 - INCOME: <$25,000 94 (15%) $25,000-$49,999 90 (14%) $50,000-$74,999 104 (17%) $75,000-$99,999 86 (14%) $100,000+ 118 (19%) Refused 133 (21%) GENDER: Male 306 (49%) Female 319 (51%) REGION: Hennepin/Ramsey 200 (32%) Rest of Suburbs 180 (29%) Rest of State 245 (39%)
Minnesota Poll: Presidential race
Hillary Clinton holds a lead over Donald Trump in the latest Star Tribune Minnesota Poll conducted Sept. 12-14, 2016, among 625 likely voters. The poll has a margin of sampling error of 4.0 percentage points, plus or minus.
By Staff, Star Tribune
September 18, 2016 at 1:02PM