When John Eckley got the call to salvage cabinets and built-in desks from a 1950s-era home being remodeled in St. Louis Park, he was warned that the house was no ordinary midcentury modern.
In fact, the construction guy said, it was a virtually unaltered building designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.
"I was like, 'Yeah, sure it is,' " Eckley said. In his 35 years of reclaiming architectural antiques, he said, he's had several homeowners who mistakenly claimed they lived in a Wright house. And anyway, who would want to gut one?
A quick Google search confirmed what he was told. The three-bedroom, 2,600-square-foot house sold in April for $1.2 million after almost two years on the market. It was designed in 1958 by Wright, considered one of the greatest American architects, and completed in 1960, the year after he died.
The house is known as the Olfelt House after its original owners, Paul and Helen Olfelt, and remained in their possession for nearly six decades.
Since the Olfelts never pursued historical designation or conservation easements, there was nothing to stop new owners from altering the structure.
According to city records, a permit to build a $2 million addition to the home was issued in October. The new owners, John and Kathy Junek, plan to add a 1,500-square-foot addition and relocate the kitchen, according to Gita Nandan, principal architect with Thread Collective in New York, the firm behind the project.
"We cherish the work of Frank Lloyd Wright, but plan to live in the home and are modernizing it somewhat," Kathy Junek wrote in an e-mail.