Eight conservation and environmental groups plan to sue the state for tapping an environmental fund to finance a $98 million package of infrastructure projects in a way that they say violates the Minnesota Constitution and betrays voters' trust.
The Environmental and Natural Resource Trust Fund, which receives about $60 million a year in proceeds from the Minnesota Lottery, was approved by voters in three constitutional amendments over the past three decades. It is dedicated to "protection, conservation, preservation, and enhancement of the state's air, water, land, fish, wildlife, and other natural resources."
Late in the 2018 session, the Republican-controlled Legislature passed a bill that allows the state to use nearly $8 million annually from the fund to buy bonds for the infrastructure projects and pay $66 million in interest costs over their 20-year life. The projects include a new wastewater treatment plant for Itasca State Park; multiple parks projects for the Metropolitan Council; dredging Lake Orono in Lake Elmo, and a stormwater sewer project for St. Paul.
The environmental groups said such projects are typically funded by state general obligation bonds, and that financing them with the bonds specified in the new law costs twice as much and conflicts with the promise made to voters when the amendments were passed.
"This will suck the resources out of the trust fund," said Steve Morse, executive director of the Minnesota Environmental Partnership, one of the plaintiffs. While the infrastructure projects are badly needed, Morse said, this is an inappropriate and expensive way to finance them.
The groups on Wednesday notified the Office of the Attorney General and the office of Management and Budget, which manages bonds, that the suit will be filed. Other plaintiffs include the Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, Friends of the Mississippi River and the Izaak Walton League.
State Rep. Josh Heintzeman, R-Nisswa, a co-chair of the legislative and citizens committee that oversees the fund, declined to comment on Wednesday. House Speaker Kurt Daudt, R-Crown, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
The trust fund, created in 1988, is overseen by a 17-member legislative and citizen committee that recommends projects to the Legislature. It has funded studies on invasive species, land and water conservation, and environmental education.