In a recent commentary, Terry Burke, a volunteer with the Committee in Solidarity with the People of Syria (CISPOS), cautioned readers on the anti-interventionist coverage of the ongoing war in Syria by several independent watchdog journalism organizations — including MintPress News, Media Roots, Shadowproof, Anti-Media, Zero Hedge and Counter Current News ("Information wars at play in Syria," Oct. 28).
While we at MintPress agree that the mainstream media fails to give the public a full understanding of the nature of the conflict in Syria and what's driving it (control over oil and gas supplies), Burke's attempts to bash these independent, alternative news organizations contained a wealth of inaccuracies.
Writing for Fifth Column News, Justin King broke down Burke's arguments that MintPress and other sites are on "the payroll of the regime of President Assad of Syria." These "implications," he says, are "buried in a rant that bemoans the named outlets' habit of criticizing U.S. efforts for regime change."
Indeed, it seems that Burke didn't take time to familiarize herself with the MintPress website or any of the websites she listed.
Much of our funding, like funding for many of the sites Burke named, comes from donations, sponsorships, grants and ad revenue. There's no secret about who is behind MintPress. Our staff, correspondents, business model and syndication partners are listed on our website.
Burke asserts that websites like MintPress are "progressive except for Syria." But what's progressive about supporting an imperialist agenda that believes it's possible for America to bomb its way out of every difficult situation?
Rather than conjuring up conspiracies about the agendas of independent, watchdog journalism outlets skeptical about what motivates politicians and foreign policy, let's look at the real agenda behind so-called "leftist" solidarity organizations that promote interventionist foreign policy.
Burke's organization, CISPOS, like the better known Avaaz or White Helmets, for example, promotes an agenda in line with NATO's war interests. Despite claiming to be antiwar, they've staunchly advocated for acts of war, including sanctions and a no-fly zone over Libya and Syria, ahead of the U.S. intervening and arming rebels in those countries. CISPOS has also hosted several events with Syrian expats who had gone on the record as supporting the U.S. bombing of their country.