An important and troubling pattern was revealed in recent commentaries by Tom Horner ("Tax-spend debate needs a new focus," April 28) and Ron Way ("A run-down river runs through it," May 5). Horner asks Minnesotans to convert our regular political debate over taxes and spending to one focused on public sector priorities and outcomes, budgeting accordingly. Way reminds us that cleaning up our state's water resources has been a goal for at least 30 years.
Horner uses the predictable arguments of Democrats and Republicans at the State Capitol to make his point, while Way focuses on the long-lamented plight of the Minnesota River. We've heard it all before. The issues persist. No solutions in sight. The broken records spin.
I moved to Minnesota almost 50 years ago, attracted by the University of Minnesota's practical approach to training public-affairs professionals; by my father's lifelong admiration of Hubert Humphrey; and, yes, by the weather. Early on, I more or less stumbled on the Citizens League, where I worked for about four years. There, my first impressions met reality in the best possible way.
I came to understand why Gov. Wendell Anderson's picture on the cover of Time magazine in 1973, and the accolades that came with it (that is, the governor who leads in the state that works) were deserved. But I also learned that Minnesota's public-affairs "miracles" frequently started via a network of general-purpose organizations whose sole mission was to analyze and recommend solutions to issues facing our state.
Joining the Citizens League in this effort were groups like the Upper Midwest Council, InterStudy, Public Service Options, the State Planning Agency and, more recently, the Civic Caucus and the Itasca Group. Their ideas fueled policy debate, and became a basis for public- and private-sector solutions.
Not every idea worked, but we made progress on prepaid health care, adult higher education, ride-sharing transit, postsecondary options for high school students, charter schools, and financing for K-12 education and local government, among other effective innovations.
Today, most of Minnesota's third-party, general-purpose ideas infrastructure is either gone or struggling. Those groups remaining don't produce third-party analysis and recommendations as in the past. Why? There is little time and money for the work that goes into producing creative or hybrid solutions.
The resulting space has been filled by ideology-driven organizations — e.g., the Center of the American Experiment, Growth & Justice. Organizations like these now dominate Minnesota public affairs.