I am not sure if the average person knows that child protection in Minnesota began by using laws that protected animals as a foundation for creating the contemporary child welfare system.
This system has surely changed in the last 100 years, but like most programs focused on the vulnerable and voiceless, it has to a large extent been ignored in its financing structure over many generations.
Counties in Minnesota pay for the majority of costs associated with placing children in foster homes.
A Star Tribune reporter deserves credit for opening this can of worms regarding child protection a couple of years ago. But the reports focus on the extremes and on issues that are not at the core of maintaining the necessary infrastructure. The reporting hints at symptoms of a system that lacks the resources to build the workforce and care ecosystem necessary to protect the most vulnerable people in our society ("Abused kids wait days to get help," Feb. 7).
The system redesign for child protection in Minnesota last year certainly will help provide a better safety net for our population of children long-term. But it has stigmatized the professionals working in the system. Social workers and others who are doing extraordinarily difficult and high-pressure work, under tight deadlines for modest pay, deserve our respect.
On a daily basis these folks see what none of us wants to see — children being destroyed by neglect, physical and sexual abuse, and living in environments most people can't understand and, frankly, don't want to know about. Our dirty secret in Minnesota and in this country is the abuse and neglect of children that continues each and every day.
It's heartbreaking stuff that, when revealed, spurs a movement, as it did in Minnesota last year — but then silence. Why? Because we don't want to know that more children are abused and are dying at the hands of their parents or guardians.
That's only natural. It's not that people don't care; they just want it to be taken care of.