MIAMI — President Barack Obama's surprise move to re-establish ties with Cuba was applauded by the men and women in a barbershop on Calle Ocho, the heart of Miami's Cuban exile community. Waitresses stopped serving coffee at the El Pub restaurant as Obama spoke on TV. One wiped a tear from her eye as she clasped her hands, overcome with emotion at changes no one believed would come.
Only several dozen people attended Wednesday's hastily organized protests in Little Havana following the surprise announcement, a reflection of just how much the Cuban-American community has changed since the Cold War days when the U.S. began trying to isolate Cuba's communist government.
Among them was John Hernandez, holding a "Fire Obama" sign.
"We shouldn't do business with dictators. They're assassins. They have killed Americans before," said Hernandez, whose mother, father and sister fled Cuba in the 1960s before he was born in the U.S. "I feel disgraced."
Local leaders and activists said they expected more protests in the coming days. Still, the muted initial reaction to Obama's vows to encourage bilateral flows of people, information and business while working with Congress to end the 50-year-old trade embargo was strikingly at odds with outdated ideas about what most Cuban-Americans want.
It was long thought that no one could win Florida and become president without support from Cuban- Americans dead set against anything seen as supporting Cuban leaders Fidel and Raul Castro. And former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, now mulling a presidential run, has called for a hard line on Cuba.
But Obama won the state twice while promising to improve U.S.-Cuba relations, and he's already taken lesser steps that have drawn significant support from Cuban-Americans.
That support comes in part from the thousands of Cubans who regularly travel between Havana and Miami thanks to Obama, and behind the scenes lobbying by Cuban-American business leaders who might have opposed such overtures in decades past.