With what appears to be a champagne bottle in her hand, Shondra Hall was approached by cameraman Datone Jones in a video he posted on his Twitter account.
Datone Jones gives 'the best' Mother's Day gift
Already looking ahead to what to get next year? According to Datone Jones' mother, you can't do better than what her son gave her Sunday.
By mikenelson1
May 15, 2017 at 4:48AM

Prompted by her son and Vikings free-agent acquisition to describe how she felt after receiving his Mother's Day gift, she cracked a big smile and declared it "the best present a son can give his mother on Mother's Day."
The saying "go big or go home" implies you can't do both.
Well, in buying his mom a house, Jones showed everyone what he thinks of implications .. and maybe sayings, too.
Who says you can't put a price on love?