Gov. Mark Dayton said Wednesday that the Affordable Care Act is no longer affordable to many Americans — and that fixing it must be a priority for both state and federal lawmakers next year.
Dayton, who has been among the strongest advocates for the package of health care reforms, said that while the Affordable Care Act has been a success in insuring more people and providing access to insurance for people with preexisting medical conditions, it also has "some serious blemishes and serious deficiencies."
Speaking to reporters, Dayton said insurance companies have driven up costs in order to participate in the state's MNsure program — and gridlock in Washington, D.C., has made it difficult to pass reforms that could bring those costs back in line.
"The reality is the Affordable Care Act is no longer affordable to increasing numbers of people," he said.
Dayton's comments followed the announcement earlier in October that individual premiums for people participating in MNsure will increase next year by an average of 50 to 67 percent. About 250,000 people purchase individual coverage on the market, which has seen other rate jumps and the departure of insurers like Blue Cross as the insurers seek to cover their costs. The governor said Minnesota's rate increases have been higher than those of other states because its rates started lower than others.
But he added that the burden felt by people here is shared by others around the country.
"Minnesota is not alone in this," he said.
Speaking later with the Star Tribune, the governor reiterated that he wants the next president and Congress to fix the Affordable Care Act, not scrap it.