Aaron Sorkin, the most celebrated TV writer of the past 30 years, was getting pummeled.
The assault occurred last summer in a Los Angeles ballroom, where he faced a hostile gang of television critics who appeared ready to hurl their finger-food sandwiches at their former savior.
Sorkin was defending "The Newsroom," his series that kicked off with dispassionate news anchor Will McAvoy suddenly becoming re-energized during a panel discussion when he spots his former producer/lover in the crowd with a sign that simply reads: "We Can Do Better."
As soon as the journalists at the press conference finished their visceral dissection of the show, a clearly shaken Sorkin stood up and prepared to leave the stage when a rascally critic sitting next to me held up a piece of paper for Sorkin to see. The words: "We Can Do Better."
Sorkin nudged Jeff Daniels, who plays McAvoy, pointed out the inside joke, and chuckled.
As much as I admire my buddy's chutzpah, I don't agree with the sentiment of many of my peers reflected through the sign.
Could "The Newsroom" be better? Sure, but for all its faults, it won a spot in my top 10 list last season and, based on early episodes from Season 2, which starts this Sunday, it remains compelling, whip-smart TV.
But I don't want to totally disregard my respected peers' views. Here are some of their most pointed comments from reviews, and my humble counterpoints: