Minnesotans of many ethnic backgrounds might have similar words for a colonoscopy — it's colonoscopia in Spanish and koloskopi in Norwegian — but they vary dramatically in the rates at which they seek this important medical screening.
The state's fourth annual health equity report, released Thursday by Minnesota Community Measurement, showed that, overall, 73 percent of adults ages 51 to 75 were up to date with colon cancer screening last year. But that rate dropped to 60 percent of Hispanics, 55 percent of American Indians and 27 percent of Somali natives.
The screening is one of eight measures the nonprofit group uses to track quality of care provided by the state's medical clinics and whether Minnesota is making progress against its numerous ethnic health disparities.
The good news is that the overall rate for colon cancer screenings rose three percentage points from 2014, and that progress was partly driven by a sharp increase among Minnesotans who primarily speak Spanish.
While 1 percent per year might not sound like dramatic progress, it means that thousands more Minnesotans are getting screened for a common and dangerous form of cancer and that doctors are figuring out how to appeal to different patient populations, said Julie Sonier, president of Minnesota Community Measurement.
"Health care providers in general have been making efforts to address some of the gaps," Sonier said, "in part by approaching patients who should be screened — but haven't — with different kinds of messaging or highlighting what some of the other options are besides a colonoscopy."
Sonier said it's important to highlight disparities at a state and clinic level so doctors can examine their practices and see how they can improve their ability to work with minority groups. Clinics provided the deidentified patient data to the nonprofit organization for the report, which remains the nation's most detailed evaluation of clinic performance by ethnic and racial groups.
Even top performers have disparities. HealthPartners clinics in the east metro had 67 percent of Spanish-speaking patients up to date with colon cancer screening last year, but their rate for patients overall was 76 percent. Screening can include a colonoscopy, a home stool test or other established methods.