Facing a wave of police retirements, Minneapolis is scrambling to hire nearly 100 new officers by the end of this year, the largest addition to its ranks in recent history.
City officials acknowledge that at least 71 percent of the new hires are likely to be white, giving rise to concerns among minority groups that the racial makeup of the force — particularly blacks — is not keeping up with the rest of the city.
"I think we're going to be disappointed" in the diversity of the new hires, said City Council Member Blong Yang, who chairs the council's Public Safety Committee.
The issue of police force diversity has drawn national attention in recent days after a white officer fatally shot an unarmed black teenager in Ferguson, Mo. The incident prompted protesters to clash with law enforcement in the suburban St. Louis community that has struggled with the racial makeup of its force.
Minneapolis police have about half the black and Hispanic officers they need to accurately reflect the city's population, records show. This comes despite years of diversity plans, legal action and a federal mediation agreement sparked by low levels of minority representation within the police.
Minneapolis police have been intensely committed to finding diverse candidates, said police spokesman John Elder.
"When we got the green light to hire, we went out and looked everywhere," he said. "We were out on the streets; we were in the churches. We know we have great talent in Minneapolis and we're doing our best to cultivate it."
The wave of anticipated new hires was created by a surge in retirements. The force levels are lower than they have been in recent history, and the city has experienced an uptick in certain crimes.