Nonstop flights between Minneapolis-St. Paul and Cuba are stalled — and becoming less likely.
Sun Country Airlines, which was granted the right to fly from Minnesota to two small Cuban cities last year, has asked the U.S. Department of Transportation for more time before it begins the routes. Some of its competitors who were granted other routes to Cuba last year are dropping them altogether.
Too many flights with too few passengers have already started, turning the Cuban market into a financial sinkhole for airlines. Complicating matters, President Donald Trump has said he opposes looser trade and travel restrictions for Cuba, reversing the Obama administration's efforts to extend its diplomatic opening by encouraging American tourism there.
None of this bodes well for a small airline like Sun Country, which relies on ease of travel for its largely leisure passenger base. But some experts say Sun Country's delay strategy may work in its favor over the long run — if the right puzzle pieces fall into place.
It's been nearly a year since the DOT approved Sun Country's request to fly nonstop from Minneapolis-St. Paul to two Cuban cities: Santa Clara and Matanzas. The agency denied the airline's request to fly to Havana, the island nation's cultural and political capital, instead giving those slots to larger airlines or those offering flights from the southeastern U.S. where a large percentage of Cuban-Americans live.
Sun Country originally planned to begin service last month but filed for an extension to exercise the right through December 2017.
"We remain optimistic and continue to work through logistics for dedicated Cuba service, but our priority is ensuring an easy and enjoyable travel experience for our customers upon arrival," the airline said in a statement last week.
While President Barack Obama normalized diplomatic relations, travel and trade embargos remain, making Cuba a challenging vacation destination. All U.S. citizens must prove they are visiting the communist nation for a reason other than tourism. Airlines can't sell traditional vacation packages without helping its customers fit one of the 12 approved reasons, such as humanitarian projects, family visits, journalistic activity or religious activities.