The number of domestic abusers and harassers convicted of felonies in Minnesota has risen dramatically over the past decade — from 229 in 2003 to nearly 1,500 in 2013.
And more of the guilty are going to prison.
In 2013, Minnesota judges sentenced 315 defendants to prison for domestic abuse or violation of a no-contact order, compared to 44 offenders a decade earlier. The average prison sentence was two years. Data kept by the Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission document the trend.
Dramatic changes in domestic violence laws and sharper work on the part of police, prosecutors and victims advocates have fueled the change.
"We've gotten changes in the law on the books. We have done immense training for law enforcement, advocates and prosecutors," said Safia Khan, a program manager for criminal justice system advocacy with the Minnesota Coalition of Battered Women.
"Definitely, people are stepping up to the plate and doing a lot of great work," Khan said. "We have some very concrete examples of how collaboration has made a world of difference. It's very tangible."
Some of the changes:
• In 2006, the list of prior misdemeanor offenses that qualify for a felony charge was expanded. The back period for charges was also increased to 10 years, and a perpetrator's crimes no longer had to have the same victim to qualify as escalating offenses.