Edwin Schall takes a bus every day from Brooklyn Center to downtown Minneapolis, where he sits with a sign on his lap that says: "No Food. No Money. Hearing Loss. Any help appreciated. Thanks."
All he wants is $20 for food. When he gets it, he leaves.
Schall and other panhandlers are fixtures on sidewalks busy with downtown pedestrians, but agencies are renewing efforts to stop visitors from dropping change and bills into their tins and boxes.
As part of a campaign called "Give Real Change," billboards have popped up along Hennepin Avenue urging people to instead give money to the organization, which aims to end homelessness.
Steve Cramer, president and CEO of the Minneapolis Downtown Council, said the effort is designed to help panhandlers, not hurt them.
"Everyone agrees, five bucks on the street is just going to perpetuate a life circumstance that is not conducive to long-term health," he said. "That five dollars would be better invested in longer-term solutions to deal with the root cause of someone's homelessness."
Money donated to Give Real Change goes to the Family Housing Fund, which distributes money to shelters and other aid organizations in Minneapolis. Its website says $25 can buy a transit pass for someone with a new job; $50 can buy groceries for family who just moved into a new apartment, and $500 is enough for an emergency support group to pay rent or a mortgage for one month.
Schall disagrees with the campaign. He says not all panhandlers want to go to shelters because they do not feel safe or they just want to be out on their own.