Among the photos of a teenage Bob Dylan newly on display in his birth city, Bill Pagel's favorite might be one he found in 1993 in the other Minnesota town that can claim the rock legend.
"It was part of a big display for the Hibbing centennial, and here was this tiny photo of Bob with a thumbtack right through his head," said Pagel, a collector of Dylan artifacts. "That tells you something about how Hibbing still looked at Bob in 1993."
Hibbing finally came around in a big way (for a small town) over the past two decades with Dylan Days, a festival held every year around Bob's birthday. As the former Robert Zimmerman turns 75 on Tuesday, however, Duluth has taken charge of the North Country celebration — somewhat by default, as a sharp downturn in iron mining has hurt Hibbing's economy.
Duluth is commemorating the birthday in a variety of ways, including an impressive exhibit of Pagel's items, a tribute album and concert, and the unveiling of a plaque at Dylan's childhood home. But 75 miles away in Hibbing, where he lived from ages 6 to 18, the only formal event will be a bus tour — from Duluth.
"Duluth and Hibbing were really starting to work together on this as kindred spirits," said KUMD DJ John Bushey, co-organizer of the Duluth fest, "but then the bottom sort of fell out over there."
The mining industry is at a 10-year low on the Iron Range, where more than 2,000 miners have been laid off since 2014. The hub of Hibbing's Dylan activities, Zimmy's Bar & Grill — dubbed "the Vatican of the church of Dylanology" because of its memorabilia — shut down two winters ago as the slump deepened and its owners fell behind on taxes.
"Zimmy's was the place where people could just hang out and swap stories about Dylan or talk about his music, and there's just nowhere to do that now," said Joe Keyes, a principal organizer of Hibbing's Dylan Days.