Emily Torgrimson always is on the lookout for what she calls the "small solutions" within big problems. ¶ As a cook at a homeless shelter, she'd invite kids into the kitchen to help, filling their time as well as teaching a skill. When survivors of Hurricane Katrina needed supplies, she corralled college friends into throwing a jambalaya feed and raised a few hundred dollars. ¶ When plunging temperatures seep into the small travel trailer in which she's living, she turns on a tiny space heater. ¶ Torgrimson is on the ground floor of social entrepreneurism, where you can be featured in Oprah magazine as a visionary while your organization's national headquarters are a 1998 Sun-Lite parked in a frigid Minneapolis driveway. ¶ Nine years ago, Torgrimson, now 30, founded Eat for Equity (E4E), a nonprofit group that turns diners into donors in surroundings far more casual and intimate than a hotel ballroom. ¶ Since the initial dinner in Boston after Hurricane Katrina, E4E has hosted 152 community feasts in its 10 branches around the country, serving 14,582 plates of food and raising $173,551 in donations.
The true value has less to do with an evening's generosity, though, than with the connections made among diners that could lead to bigger ideas.
Here's how it works: A group of volunteers plans a menu, assembles ingredients from donations or a garden's harvest, then preps and cooks a meal on behalf of a social cause. Guests crowd into living rooms and sit on stairway treads. Then, as they dine on kale salad with bacon dressing and pumpkin cheesecake, they hear about a particular need and how they might help. They're also more than welcome to stick around to wash dishes.
Beneficiaries have ranged from Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness to the Minnesota Reading Corps to the Rural Health Care Initiative to the Nafula Foundation for orphaned children in western Kenya.
The effort began as many do: "Hey, what if?"
While living with 24 women in a housing co-op at Boston University, Torgrimson saw the kitchen "as a place where people come together." When the jambalaya feed she planned attracted more than 100 friends, an idea started taking root.
After college, she returned home to Minnesota, where she hosted a similar dinner for a cause. Then a friend offered to host another. That dinner proved to be a turning point.
"We were going to make a dozen apple pies, and she had nothing in her kitchen," Torgrimson recalled, laughing. "We found a half-drunk bottle of wine, finished it, then used the bottle to roll all the pie crusts. There was bread raising on every level surface."