Minneapolis City Council members have a rare opportunity to make history by having the civic-minded fortitude to back a nearly $1 billion public-private investment that can pay dividends for the city and state for decades to come.
Without a clear signal that a majority of the 13-member council supports the current Vikings stadium proposal, however, opponents and fence-sitters at the Legislature will have the perfect excuse to ignore the politically sensitive issue during this election-year session.
Gov. Mark Dayton no doubt made that point when he met privately Monday with Council Members Kevin Reich and Sandra Colvin Roy, whose support could make the difference at City Hall and at the Capitol. We trust that Dayton also emphasized that the stadium deal now on the table includes the following benefits for the city:
Tax relief
To fund its $150 million initial contribution, the city would use some of the existing sales and hospitality tax revenue that currently funds the Minneapolis Convention Center, while redirecting some of that revenue for economic development, including renovation and debt payment on the city-owned Target Center. The arena has become a financial drain for city taxpayers, and this plan, by covering the $5 million a year needed to pay off the facility's debt, offers a chance for much-needed property tax relief.
City Council members concerned about political fallout need to cut through the often inaccurate antistadium rhetoric and educate their constituents. The city's contribution to the stadium is a no-new-taxes approach that actually would result in property tax relief.
Financial security
Noting that the Convention Center taxes were authorized by the Legislature, GOP legislators have threatened to end them after the center's bonds are paid off in 2020. Legislation to fund the Vikings stadium would allow Minneapolis to maintain those taxes for another 25 years. The worst-case scenario for the city would be an empty Metrodome and ongoing debt woes for Target Center.