Minneapolis is by no means a city in distress. But a sense that persistent problems are festering rather than being forcefully addressed afflicts the place that sets the pace for prosperity in Minnesota and the Twin Cities region.
In recent years, opportunities to acquire new civic assets and strengthen old alliances have been squandered; key constituencies say they have been excluded from decisionmaking; an uptick in violence threatens the vitality of the city's showplace, its downtown; rising housing costs are eroding the sense that Minneapolis is a place where all are welcome and can succeed.
How to break through that malaise? Voters can start by electing a new mayor. We recommend first-choice votes for Jacob Frey in the Nov. 7 ranked-choice mayoral election.
Minneapolitans expect their mayor to both sell and run the city. But government's structure in Minneapolis denies the mayor access to many of the levers of power that his or her counterparts control in other large cities. That means that doing the job well requires extraordinary interpersonal skills. A successful mayor must be able to both project a compelling vision outside City Hall and form the alliances inside that can make a vision real.
Among the 16 contenders for mayor, Frey seems best able to do both. At age 36 and still serving his first term, he is a gifted communicator who has stood out on the City Council as both a leading voice and a consensus-builder. A native of northern Virginia, Frey speaks about Minneapolis with the passion of a young-adult convert. He first came to Minneapolis to race as a professional runner and says he fell in love with the city he discovered.
An attorney who practiced both civil rights and business law before serving the Third Ward, Frey has sought to bridge a divide that has emerged between the business community and advocates for social justice. At a time when compromise is out of vogue — but is more necessary than ever — Frey worked to find middle ground on labor standards for private employers. He led a successful push to add two years to the phase-in period for a $15 minimum wage for small businesses. He spoke out early against a city requirement about employee scheduling that would have been disruptive and costly to many businesses, helping to waylay that proposal — even as he supported citywide standards of paid sick and safe time for workers.
Representing a ward that includes much of downtown, Frey agrees with us that more assurance of public safety is critical to the vitality of the region's economic headquarters. Here, too, he seeks a balance between more effective measures to prevent violence and more accountable and community-oriented policing. His 25-point plan for public safety is the work of a candidate who takes policy formation seriously, does not shrink from complexity and is eager to enlist allies in making change.
Frey's relative youth — only Hubert Humphrey and Al Hofstede were younger new Minneapolis mayors — is an asset as he seeks to engage a citizenry whose median age is under 32 and a City Council in the throes of generational change. He's aware of how urban living preferences are shifting and is eager to keep Minneapolis ahead of the curve. He's mindful of the potential of technological advances such as self-driving cars to be both a challenge and an opportunity to a city largely designed in the late 19th century. He projects an energetic image for a city that will be competing nationally and globally for young talent in the next decade.