As Nadia Mohamed doorknocked for her City Council campaign, the 23-year-old often fielded questions from St. Louis Park residents about her age. Just how young are you, they asked her, and what could such a fresh face possibly know about sidewalks?
Aside from the usual challenges of navigating a first-time campaign, Mohamed realized her biggest hurdle was internal: "I needed to rewire my thinking to see my age as my strength."
Mohamed, who on Tuesday became the first Somali-American and Muslim on the council, was just one of several younger women — many of diverse backgrounds — who claimed victory in suburban local elections last week.
Their success continues a dynamic shift that made headlines in 2018 when record numbers of women were elected to Congress. At the same time, women of color in Twin Cities suburbs achieved many historic firsts.
The new community leaders also share priorities that could spell change at city halls and county board chambers. They include environmental issues, affordable housing and ensuring diversity and equity in government.
"We have a lot of work to do — and I don't want people to stop at my identity," Mohamed said.
The newly elected women say the trend has been building over the last few years, and they credit each other for support and inspiration, as well as organizations such as TakeAction Minnesota, Women Organizing Women and Women Winning, aimed at encouraging women to seek public office.
Such women are "feeling a sense of confidence because they are seeing representation now that look like them," said Pahoua Yang Hoffman, executive director of the Citizens League. "The community is also rallying around them."