'Range anxiety': As e-vehicle use grows, charging stations outside Twin Cities lag

22 more stations in Minnesota will add 1,110 miles to network

November 18, 2019 at 11:18AM
George Host charged his Tesla at the ChargePoint e-vehicle station near Canal Park Lodge in Duluth.
George Host charged his Tesla at the ChargePoint e-vehicle station near Canal Park Lodge in Duluth. (Star Tribune/The Minnesota Star Tribune)

One way George Host re­duces his car­bon foot­print is by driv­ing a Tes­la e­lec­tric ve­hi­cle on his northern Minnesota commute to and from Duluth.

The forest biologist from New In­de­pend­ence Town­ship charges his car at home every night, and there are sev­er­al spots in the Twin Ports where he can power up. The chal­lenge comes when Host and oth­ers in great­er Min­ne­so­ta drive far­ther a­field — be­cause the num­ber of electric vehicle bat­tery charg­ers across the state is de­cid­ed­ly un­even.

"In small­er com­mu­ni­ties, you have a dif­fer­ent chal­lenge with [e­lec­tric vehi­cles] than in the met­ro, be­cause peo­ple tend to trav­el long­er dis­tances and have less ac­cess to charg­ers," said Tim Sexton, chief sus­tain­a­bil­i­ty of­fi­cer for the Min­ne­so­ta Department of Transportation (MnDOT).

But that's chan­ging as more Min­ne­so­tans go e­lec­tric. Transportation is now the state's lead­ing source of greenhouse gas emis­sions, and lawmakers have tak­en note. Encouraging electric vehicle use and build­ing the ancillary char­ging in­fra­struc­ture is one way, they say, to com­bat cli­mate change.

The num­ber of e­lec­tric vehi­cles reg­is­tered in Min­ne­so­ta was 9,401 last year, more than double the number in 2017. Some 10,495 have been reg­is­tered this year, although the overall number registered statewide is still under 2% of all vehicles, according to the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. To sup­port them, more than 300 charg­ing stations of vary­ing ca­pac­i­ty are lo­cat­ed through­out the state, ac­cord­ing to the National Re­new­a­ble Energy Laboratory. Most places to plug in are clus­tered in the Twin Cities met­ro area.

Drivers outside the cities just have to try a little harder to find their electrical boost.

"You do have to be more planful when you trav­el," said Jen­ni­fer Herr­mann of Morris, Minn., who drives a Chevy Bolt. "There's re­al­ly not a great char­ging in­fra­struc­ture when you go west in Min­ne­so­ta."

Re­cent­ly, Gov. Tim Walz called for Min­ne­so­ta to adopt Cali­for­nia's clean­er ve­hi­cle-­e­mis­sion rules, which would re­quire car­mak­ers to of­fer more e­lec­tric and hy­brid mod­els here. MnDOT says only 19 of the 43 electric mod­els sold nation­wide are avail­able in Min­ne­so­ta, since auto manu­fac­tur­ers send them to the 13 states with low­er e­mis­sion stand­ards first. If Min­ne­so­ta were in the mix, the num­ber of choi­ces avail­able to con­sum­ers would in­crease, as would sales.

But boosting the num­ber of low-e­mis­sion vehi­cles here is an "ex­er­cise in fu­til­i­ty" with­out build­ing the ne­ces­sary in­fra­struc­ture to charge them, ac­cord­ing to a recent MnDOT re­port plotting the "Pathways to Decarbonizing Transportation" in the state.

Sexton says it's "a chick­en-and-egg type of di­lem­ma" — more peo­ple would like­ly buy e­lec­tric vehi­cles if they felt con­fi­dent the char­ging in­fra­struc­ture were in place. While that's like­ly true in the Twin Cities, the pic­ture be­comes more mud­dled for those liv­ing and trav­el­ing be­yond the seven-coun­ty met­ro area.

Many new­er mod­els of e­lec­tric vehi­cles can trav­el for more than 200 miles be­fore they need char­ging, but cold weath­er can sap bat­tery pow­er. That can lead to "range anx­i­e­ty" for driv­ers.

"It's that feel­ing you get watch­ing the bat­tery drop and there's no charg­er near­by," Host said. "Your heart rate goes up and you won­der how you're going to get some­where. It was a big thing earli­er on," but not so much now.

In Au­gust, the Min­ne­so­ta Pol­lu­tion Control Agency (MPCA) award­ed a con­tract to ZEF Energy Inc. of Min­ne­ap­olis to in­stall 22 fast-char­ging sta­tions along high­ways and interstates in Be­mid­ji, Grand Rapids, De­troit Lakes, St. Cloud, Will­mar, Mar­shall, Roch­es­ter, Mankato and Al­bert Lea — a pro­ject that will in­crease the state's char­ging net­work by 1,110 miles. The $1.5 mil­lion in grant mon­ey was part of a na­tion­al court set­tle­ment fol­low­ing the Volks­wag­en emis­sions scan­dal. An­oth­er round of in­vest­ment in electric vehicle in­fra­struc­ture fu­eled by the set­tle­ment is ex­pect­ed to be rolled out soon.

"This is just a start; it's not en­ough," said MPCA spokes­wom­an Mary Rob­in­son. At events through­out the state in­tend­ed to glean pub­lic in­put, 94% of the com­ments fa­vored fund­ing for char­ging sta­tions, and many sup­port­ed in­vest­ing the max­i­mum level al­lowed by the set­tle­ment, Rob­in­son said.

Shan­non Mor­ten­son says she can't make it to the Twin Cities from her home in the north­west­ern Min­ne­so­ta town of Kennedy driving her Chevy Bolt. The char­ging in­fra­struc­ture doesn't quite line up, so she uses her husband's Chevy Ava­lanche SUV in­stead — an irony that's not lost on her. Other­wise, she says her electric vehicle works great for her 32-mile commute into Warren, Minn., where she works as the city ad­min­is­tra­tor. "I don't have any trou­ble going back and forth to work," she said.

Gen­er­al­ly, driv­ers may pow­er up using pub­lic sta­tions at parks, uni­ver­si­ties and along high­ways and interstates, or out­side pri­vate­ly owned park­ing gar­ages, res­tau­rants and shop­ping centers. Tes­la, the Cali­for­nia-based electric vehicle man­u­fac­tur­er, has a pro­pri­etary net­work of super­charg­ers "placed on well-traveled routes and dense ur­ban centers," ac­cord­ing to its website.

But 85% of electric vehicle own­ers sim­ply charge up in their own gar­age, said Jukka Kukkonen, who found­ed PlugInConnect, a St. Paul con­sult­ing firm. Some use a stan­dard 120-volt char­ging cord, while oth­ers in­stall 240-volt sta­tions (akin to pow­er for an e­lec­tric clothes dryer), which is quick­er.

"People see a­dop­tion in the Twin Cities as hap­pen­ing fast­er," Kukkonen said. "But outstate will hap­pen."

He says com­mu­ni­ties or ho­tels in­ter­est­ed in boost­ing tour­ism would be smart to in­vest in electric vehicle charg­ers.

But not ev­er­y­one is on board. Dan Bohm­er of Moorhead bought a $90,000 Jag­uar I-Pace a year ago be­cause it was "some­thing dif­fer­ent." He flew to Des Moines to pick up the car and an arduous 24-hour jour­ney back to Moorhead fol­lowed as Bohm­er criss­crossed I­o­wa and Min­ne­so­ta, des­per­ate­ly in search of char­ging sta­tions.

"I re­al­ized an e­lec­tric ve­hi­cle in Min­ne­so­ta is not a good i­de­a un­less you live in Min­ne­ap­olis," he said.

Bohmer e­ven­tu­al­ly sold it.

"It's a very nice car, a love­ly car," he said. "If I was nev­er going to take it on the road, it would have been just fine. But that's not my life."

Even though he now drives a Land Rov­er Discovery SUV, he says he'd con­sider buy­ing an­oth­er e­lec­tric ve­hi­cle — but only if the char­ging in­fra­struc­ture im­proves.

Duluth has around a dozen charging stations for electric vehicles in the city with more on the way.
Duluth has around a dozen charging stations for electric vehicles in the city with more on the way. (Star Tribune/The Minnesota Star Tribune)
about the writer

about the writer

Janet Moore


Transportation reporter Janet Moore covers trains, planes, automobiles, buses, bikes and pedestrians. Moore has been with the Star Tribune for 21 years, previously covering business news, including the retail, medical device and commercial real estate industries. 

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