Health insurance benefits have created an incredibly challenging cost problem for employers. And cost-shifting practices have reached a dangerous breaking point.
One example that hits close to home is the narrowly avoided nurses' strike at Children's Minnesota in June, stemming from union concerns over the rising cost of health insurance. It's a growing trend across the country.
Strikes tend to be the more dramatic and visible demonstrations of employee frustration, but the reality is, employees everywhere are feeling the pain. Sixty-four percent of patients reported that they delayed or neglected care within the past year because their medical expenses would be too high, according to a 2018 survey of 1,000 respondents conducted by 20|20 Research for CarePayment. And 40% of people say paying for health care is more frightening than the illness itself, says a 2018 poll of 1,300 adults by NORC at the University of Chicago and West Health Institute.
Cost-shifting has come in the form of higher premiums and higher deductibles for employees. Today's average deductible is $3,000, yet most Americans don't have $400 in savings to cover medical costs, according to the Federal Reserve Board. And the Commonwealth Fund has found that 25% of today's insured employees are considered underinsured.
It's time to admit it — deductibles don't work.
For the employers out there, I feel for you. Care avoidance is costing your businesses a lot of money too — illness-related productivity loss cost an estimated $530 billion last year, according to the Integrated Benefits Institute. And businesses can't afford to have unhappy employees in today's competitive labor market.
You're in a tough spot. The insurance industry has offered you little support. You've seen basically the same set of products for years — with only cosmetic fixes on top of a broken system. That's why costs have consistently risen.
We are weeks away from 2020 open enrollment. How will you change the status quo? Here are five ways to think differently as you approach health plan selection this year.