Momentum for passage of the Equal Rights Amendment, a vestige of 1970s activism, is building in the Minnesota Legislature and across the U.S.
Two ERA bills will get a hearing Thursday in the House Government Operations Committee. One would ask voters to decide on Nov. 3, 2020, whether to add the ERA to the Minnesota Constitution. The other would request that Congress extend the deadline for ratification of a national ERA.
"We need to get this done," said Rep. Rena Moran, D-St. Paul, sponsor of the national ERA measure. "Having gender equity embedded in our … constitutions is still needed."
Both measures were introduced in the Legislature's 2018 session and went nowhere. Proponents hope that action in the House, now under Democrats' control, will create impetus in the Senate, where Republicans remain in charge.
Companion bills were introduced by Sens. Richard Cohen and Sandra Pappas, both St. Paul Democrats.
Some conservative groups say the ERA would create a right to abortion on demand and infringe on states' rights.
Meredith Campbell, public policy director at the Minnesota Family Council, said in a statement that equal protections already are included in state and federal laws.
"Efforts to revive the ERA aren't about women's rights," Campbell said, but would create "an unverifiable 'gender identity.' " That could stop the government from protecting bodily privacy rights in places like "domestic violence shelters and school locker rooms, mandating taxpayer funding for abortions, and threatening the status of churches and religious organizations," she said.