Juston Anderson boasts that he can teach someone to ride a high-wheeled bike in two minutes — even though they may be sitting 5 feet above the pavement.
"When you start to ride, everyone grabs onto the handles for dear life," said Anderson, whose 19th-century bike collection forms the backbone of the fledgling Cycling Museum of Minnesota.
"I tell them to relax their hands and the bike will keep you upright. It's like riding an enormous gyroscope."
Now the hipster generation will get a close-up of the swan-necked high-wheelers on which their great-grandparents set the stage for the nation's first bike craze. The cycling museum is presenting a sampling of its antique cycles in a guest exhibit focused on 1880s biking in Minneapolis that opens Tuesday at the Hennepin History Museum.
Hit the exhibit on the right day, and you might even get a chance to mount a high-wheeler. But it requires a certain dexterity.
"I didn't even get my leg up and over," admitted Jack Kabruk, a Hennepin curator.
Back in the Gilded Age, these long-spoked bikes were the playthings of the rich, or maybe the upper-middle class. They demanded leisure time and energy that working stiffs toiling 12-hour days at manual labor couldn't spare. Plus, high-wheels were expensive, several thousand dollars in today's money.
Riding conditions were difficult. Roads at best were brick or cobblestoned, and muddy or dusty at worst. Cyclists dodged easily frightened horses, streetcars and pedestrians. But the payoff was speed in the era before bike chains.