It was a typical snow-covered winter day, but something very atypical was happening — cabbages, broccoli and even strawberries were improbably green and alive in a northeast Minneapolis backyard.
"It's working," said Greg Strong of the garden he tends several times a week. "It's very warm, the plants are growing."
"It" is Sophia, the nickname for an experimental garden project built by an enthusiastic group of volunteers. Sophia is a walipini, a South American word for a sunken, solar-heated greenhouse with earthen walls. Strong and his fellow gardeners are optimistic that Sophia will become a prototype for how to grow food in harsh climates.
While digging giant holes for underground greenhouses may seem extreme to many Minnesota gardeners, walipinis reflect a broader search for new growing strategies.
"There is this push — we do need to find low-tech, low-cost ways to grow food year-round," said Paula Westmoreland, an agroecologist and permaculture designer who founded the Permaculture Research Institute-Cold Climate and now operates Ecological Design in Minneapolis. Passive-solar greenhouses above ground are more common in Minnesota, she said, but she's heard about walipinis in recent years, and visited one in Wisconsin that was successfully producing food. "People will continue to experiment."
Strong is one of them. "I've been interested in experimental growing for some time," he said. Still, he was dubious at first. "When I first heard about it, I thought it was strange, but I was intrigued."
Sarah Lawton, whose backyard hosts Sophia, also had her doubts when the crew started digging the gaping 11- by 7-foot hole, almost 6 feet deep, on her small city lot.
"I was thinking 'This is crazy — that's my yard!' " she said. But now she's happy Sophia is there. "I like that it brings people together. It's all part of our mission."